Tuesday 27 March 2007

Oh, tie me to the end of a kite...

...so I can go on, I can go on with my life.

Do you ever wish you could just go. Just run. On and on towards the unknown. Coming free from ties that bind, and flinging all doubt and struggles to the wind. To know that moment of release. To see the world as it was meant to be seen, in all its beauty. To journey to the unseen limits of the world and gaze limitlessly on what awaits you there.

I do

One day, maybe I shall.
For now I will wait.
For the one who will show me the way.
Who will turn to me and smile.
Who will take my hand.
Who will whisper love.
And shall lead me out.

Then us three will brave life together.
Thank you Lord for your promises.


(One day I shall blogg about day to day activities. Not yet though.)

Thursday 8 March 2007

This great city...

Last night I was wandering London by moonlight.
If you have never done it, I would strongly recommend you try it some time.

There is a side to this great city that reveals itself ater sunset.

I started in Covent Garden, through the cobbled, winding streets.

Out into the dignified open of Trafalgar square.

Down the Great avenue to Buckingham Palace.
Past the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

All by nightfall, the moon and old fashioned streetlamps guiding the way.

A chill in the air. The same wonderful chill that London keeps always.

Standing on the bridge, I had London at my feet. All around me were the sights that so many generations have seen and adored. This city is so beautiful. So majestic. So regal. So full of life and tranquillity. I feel I can see, feel the soul of this city, as strange as this seems.

And I am in love with it. There is so much history and depth. So many lives have been and gone here, so many stories that will never be known. How many people have stood where I was standing? A thousand years ago, did a girl gaze upon her city in love, and ponder the same things that are within my heart today?

There are many ways in which this city reminds me of our Father. So wise. Incredibly beautiful. Mysteriously undiscovered depths. Trancending complete knowledge and understanding. Ever strong and constant.

This is my home, and I have never realised the full priviledge of calling it so. I will always return to her. Wherever the Lord takes me, whatever is next, I know London will always be here for me.
That brings me wonder.