Monday 5 November 2007

This is me right now.

I was writing a message to a dear dear friend. This came out.

"Aren't emotions weird. And feelings. And the way different memories make you feel. And the way different places make you feel. And the way hints in your heart of times before make you wonderful, yet so so very tragic. I feel like my heart is full and overflowing of times I miss and crave.You ever feel like your heart is resting in your throat, so that every breath feels tender and deep and real? And your heart heaves and the memory is so perfect, but you can't get it back. And your heart breaks over and over again, each time the sensation kicks in. But you are still where you are in the present moment. And it makes you want to cry. But you don't, because really you are thankful there were times in your life that were so wonderful for you to even feel this way about. But do.

Ha. That all just came out. I am trying to find what I feel... I may copy this into a blog. What can I bring it out of me.

I LOVE you. That much I know. And I miss you.


Thank you Audrey Elizabeth Smith. For helping me put into words the sensation I entertain so often, without ever knowing exactly what it is.